How to Grow Your Small Business Using Caveat Loans

By: Aaron Robbins

Australian small businesses look like they’re stabilising after COVID-19, with only 23% of businesses reporting a decrease in revenue across February, compared to 41% in January.

Gaining traction and growing your small business is probably the pinnacle of your small business aspirations.

In today’s competitive and ever changing market, there are a multitude of challenges and hurdles to overcome, but also an array of opportunities that present themselves.

Most of the time, you need sufficient funding to be able to take the opportunities when they arise and often need funds quickly when set backs come your way.

If you’ve been looking at how to grow your small business and want to learn about tried and tested methods with some game changing finance solutions, then keep reading, as we guide you on the best ways to grow your small business and how a Caveat Loan can get you there.

Tips to grow your small business from one of Australia’s leading Caveat Loan lenders


At Diverse Funding Solutions, we’re not solely about providing business loans; we want to help you grow your business.

Other lenders lose interest once their customer’s bank loans are approved or when their business loan term meets it’s end.

We go beyond fast finance, and want to invest in your success, which is why we’re excited to share with you some extremely helpful ways that you can look to grow your business, and introduce you to the world of caveat loans.

Invest in Marketing

Marketing goes beyond purely advertising.

Defining your brand and promoting your point of difference can be integrated into all of your communications, culture, language, and even down to the font, colours, and style of your invoices!

Investing in marketing means taking the time to do things right.

Whether it’s formulating a sound business strategy, hiring internal or external marketing personnel, or simply investing more time into focusing on your marketing initiatives, your business success and lead generation require a solid marketing foundation.

Invest in your staff

A fundamental difference between successful businesses and those who struggle is having the right staff.

This sounds a lot easier than often is, but your culture is actually one of the most important parts of your business success.

Investing in hiring ‘pick of the bunch employees’, investing in team building exercises, supporting their mental health (especially through a pandemic) as well as remaining agile and flexible with their remote work demands and work/life balance needs will pay h2 dividends for them as individuals — and you as a business!

Think about it, if your staff are supported to be and feel their best, then they are more likely to perform at their best, which is only going to mean better outcomes for your business and is sure to lead to better staff retention.

Having a great workplace culture can also be a pivotal part of your marketing, particularly if your clients engage with your staff as a group.

Build h2 Relationships

Building h2 relationships is not only sound practice in your personal life, but can be instrumental for business purposes, too!

  • Excellent customer service can be an asset in retaining customers and attracting more numbers to your client base via word of mouth.

    In fact, investing in your staff can help with developing fantastic customer service. What better way to market your business than by letting your existing customers do it for you!

  • Referral networks are great at helping you to grow. Not only can you learn tricks of the trade, you can build important relationships that come with a wealth of knowledge and their own networks so that you can attract client referrals, new talent or even future partnerships.
  • Having a h2 relationship with suppliers can put you ahead of the pack when it comes to service and can also lead to discounts, helping you to grow your business.

Particularly in the midst of continued supply chain disruptions, your relationship with your supplier has never needed more attention.

Invest in the right equipment

Investing in the right equipment may seem like a bit of a no-brainer, but too often do small and medium business owners take an easy fix and do not invest in the right equipment or look at the cheapest option available.

Wanting to save time and money is certainly no crime, however if you want your business to grow, then being ill equipped or having continued disruptions due to outsourcing or breakdown of equipment can seriously set you back.

Equipment and asset finance is one of the many short term loan options that DFS specialise in.

Use a short term caveat loan to unlock funds

Property owners who also run businesses may not realise that financing their business growth dreams could be as close as 48 hours away.

Short term caveat loans work by using a security property to unlock funds over a short term.

If you’ve got sufficient equity in a real estate property and need funds to get your business to the next step, then you’ll be delighted by our hassle free loan process which provides fast and easy approvals.

The benefits of using caveat lending to help develop your business:

Whether you need funds to upgrade or replace equipment, add to your vehicle fleet, hire in marketing companies, renovate a business premises, purchase another franchise or even re-fit your shop or warehouse, a caveat loan can help get you the money you need without un-necessary complication.

Property developers have been using Caveat Loans for years, is now the time that you did too?

Here are some more benefits to use a Caveat Loan for business development:

Uncomplicated Caveat Loan Application process

Undoubtedly one of the biggest benefits to private lending is that we can afford you an easy and uncomplication application process.

At DFS, we aren’t bound by the same stringent lending laws and condition as a traditional Authorised Credit Representative.

This means that our flexible lending criteria doesn’t make you wait around for a property valuation, a pre approval, revenue forecasts or even a credit check and makes us a lender who’s easy to deal with!

Caveat loans settle faster than most other loan types – at DFS we can approve and fund your caveat loan application in as little as 48 hours.

We simply look to set repayment schedules and an exit strategy on how you will repay the loan!

Quicker than second mortgages

Out of the loan types or loan products available for business purpose, fast caveat loans are often simpler than a second mortgage.

This is because we don’t need to gain the approval from the lender of a first mortgage before we release equity in the property.

Are you wondering how are caveat loans secured? Our lender’s interest in your property is registered via a legal caveat that simply sits over the title of the property and behind any existing mortgage. So the caveat does not give the lender the power to repossess your house in you fail to repay the loan, but it prevents you from making any changes to your property title.

The shorter loan terms of caveat loans compared to second mortgages may also mean you save interest.

Available to those with poor or non-existent credit history

Private lenders such as us here at Diverse Funding Solutions are not restricted by the conditions imposed by an Australian credit licence.

If you want to get a caveat loan, but have bad credit, or a dismal credit history, then you needn’t worry.

We understand that often business finance can be a nightmare to get funded, and that in recent times, maybe your revenue has taken a hit.

Private funding means that we can forget your history and instead look at your future.

We will assess the property value of your owned property (minus any existing mortgage) to determine your equity and can lend you up to 80% of that equity as your loan amount, under terms relevant to your individual situation.

(Unfortunately we can’t accept overseas properties as security).

There is no faster solution for cash flow

Whether it’s preparing for property sale, paying a large tax bill, buying new equipment, bulk ordering supplies or investing in your staff or marketing, a caveat loan can help meet your business growth dreams.

There is no faster cash flow solution compared to how quickly you can access a caveat loan.

If you are ready to apply for a caveat loan and access the lowest interest rates of Australia’s private lenders, then simply fill your details into our express quote.

We look forward to helping you achieve the business success you deserve through a DFS caveat loan.

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