Setting Your Business Emission Goals and How a Caveat Loan Can Help You Reach Them

By: Aaron Robbins

According to a recent survey by Energy Action, 30% of the surveyed businesses’ management teams considered planning for net zero emissions a high priority.

Even worse, only 18% of these businesses had set net zero goals. But with the government and consumers increasing the pressure on businesses to take climate action, setting your business emission goals is now more important than ever.

We discuss the reasons to start the move toward net zero emissions and how a caveat loan can help you achieve your goals.

Climate Change Bill 2022 passes

Just 75 days after the election, the Climate Change Bill 2022 was passed in the House of Representatives.

The idea of the Bill is to help implement the government’s Powering Australia plan. This plan has been devised to create employment opportunities, place downward pressure on electricity bills, and boost renewable energy to decrease emissions.

The government has set an emissions reduction target of 43% from the 2005 levels by 2030. And by 2050, the government are hoping for net zero emissions.

With inflation on the rise and energy prices set to soar, business owners may be able to kill two birds with one stone by making the transition to renewable energy — reduce energy costs by switching to renewables and reduce business emissions.

But first, it’s important to set emissions goals.

How to set green house gas emission goals

Create your emissions baseline

Using a carbon accounting tool, you’ll be able to create a baseline on which to base your reduction target.

Once you’ve identified your baseline, it’s time to chat to the appropriate stakeholders and advisers and formulate an action plan on how to reduce the emissions.

Choose a realistic target

As a minimum, your target should match the economic goal of net zero by 2050. Y

ou may like to set more ambitious goals than this. In that case, it will be important to understand your baseline to work out the rate you can achieve your target.

Begin reducing your carbon footprint

With your goal set, it’s now time to start reducing your carbon footprint.

There are a number of ways to do this, including things like:

  • Increase energy efficiency by overhauling lighting, air conditioning, hardware and equipment.
  • Reduce fuel usage by investing in environmentally friendly vehicles and machinery, work from home where possible to reduce travel.
  • Review suppliers to ensure you’re doing business with companies that prioritise sustainability.
  • Review opportunities to reduce waste and recycle where possible.
  • Invest in renewable energy sources.

A hot topic within Australia and globally at the moment is renewable energy.

Both businesses and households are increasingly looking to transition to renewable energy sources for various reasons.

Regulatory, financial, and environmental factors are the three most significant drivers in the shift to renewable energy sources. It has the potential to significantly reduce your green house gas emissions.

What is renewable energy?

Renewable energy involves using natural resources to produce energy, such as solar, wind and hydropower (converting moving water into electricity) as an energy source rather than fossil fuel.

Unlike fossil fuel energy sources such as oil, coal and gas, natural energy sources are constantly replaced.

They are more unlikely to cease to exist, and there are also fewer environmental issues with their use.

Renewable energy also involves:

  • Energy harnessing technologies such as geothermal energy (generated via natural heat from the Earth), bioenergy (generated from organic waste) and ocean energy (generated from ocean waves or tides).
  • Battery storage (e.g. lithium batteries that enable energy to be stored and released on demand) and intelligent technologies to predict where and when energy is required.

Why transfer to renewable energy?

There are three key reasons to transition to renewable energy:


The federal government has set a range of clean energy targets and financial incentives to encourage renewable energy generation.

Regulatory changes are likely to lead to more renewable energy providers entering the market, increasing the supplier options available to all energy users.


An increasing shift to renewable energy sources will result in lower carbon dioxide emissions into the Earth’s atmosphere than traditional fossil fuel sources.

Businesses transitioning to renewable energy sources can gain a competitive edge in their markets, with consumers increasingly looking to support those businesses that minimise their carbon footprint.


The increasing competition in the renewable energy sector and the growing consumer support for businesses operating sustainably will likely lead to financial benefits for companies that make the renewable energy transition.

While there is an investment required to move to renewable energy, you can significantly reduce future electricity expenses, which may become a higher priority as electricity prices soar and businesses scramble to reduce costs.

Financing the switch to renewable energy and sustainable business practices

If you’re looking to overhaul your workplace, vehicles, machinery and electricity sources, you’ll likely need to think about how you’re going to finance the investment.

Like many business owners, it’s unlikely that you’ll have a significant sum of money lying around.

Commercial finance might be the perfect way for your business to fast-track your goals to net zero carbon emissions.

Financing renewable energy with a short-term caveat loan — caveat loans explained

Caveat loans are fast and easy business loans that allow business owners to access equity from real estate property.

If you’re looking to fast-track your move toward your emissions reduction target, a caveat loan might be the right finance option for you.

How quickly can I get a caveat loan?

Faster than traditional bank loans, short-term caveat loans can be accessed in a matter of hours.

With approval possible in minutes and same-day funding. If you are unsure of your suitability for a caveat loan, please seek legal or financial advice.

How does caveat lending work?

Caveat loans allow the borrower to access up to 75% of the equity in real estate property.

Caveat loans can be approved for any worthwhile business purposes and have much less restrictive lending criteria because it is accessed through private lending.

At Diverse Funding Solutions, we have the best caveat loan interest rates around.

Can I access a caveat loan if I have bad credit history?

Private lenders take a much more practical approach to reviewing your ability to repay a loan, so your credit file is irrelevant.

We take a look at the borrower’s exit strategy and formulate repayment schedules that fit in with the borrower’s cash flow requirements.

How are caveat loans secured?

Caveat loans are secured by real estate property. A legal caveat is placed over the security property, restricting the property sale or modification until the loan amount is repaid.

Because the lender’s interest doesn’t need to be listed on the property title, urgent caveat loans can be accessed much faster than a traditional mortgage or second mortgage.

What property types can be accepted as security for a caveat loan?

Basically, any Australian property type can be used as security for a caveat loan. (An investment property, residential property, commercial property, or your family home).

We are unable to accept overseas properties as security.

How can I apply for a caveat loan?

Applying for fast caveat loans is quick and simple — and much easier than other business loan applications. Get a free quote today for your short-term business loan.

We can help you with a speedy caveat loan application.

With pressure building to move towards net zero emissions, the transition to renewable energy sources is gathering pace among businesses and households.

Companies that don’t transition (or are slow to transition) face being left behind and at a competitive disadvantage.

Do yourself and the planet a favour and contact us today to learn more about how caveat lending could help you make the move toward net zero carbon emissions.


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